The poodle and slipped discs

An 11 year old poodle (Coco) had put out his lower back when his leash got caught around a tree. His owner (a retired GP) was very concerned because after a week of cage rest the back was still not much better and the Vet felt that they had little choice but to operate. The owner didn’t want to take a chance with anesthetic on an elderly animal and, as he’d heard good reports about BSR from a friend of his, he felt he had nothing to lose by trying it.

The poodle’s back was rock solid, and it was obvious that there was extreme lower back stress that had referred all the way up his tiny spine. Although it was obvious he was in pain, Coco sat dead still and let me work on his back without complaining. After 10 minutes we were done and Coco curled up to sleep. I saw him 4 days later and was pleased to see that the lower back stress had eased slightly, the muscles were less tensed and the owner had even managed to take him out for a short walk.

A week later, when the poodle came in for a follow up – both owner and dog were transformed. I noticed immediately that he was jumping up excitedly, something he hadn’t been able to do previously. The owner was thrilled to report that Coco had mischievously stolen his socks that morning and was back to his normal “puppy-like self!”.

Coco the Poodle – 12-Jan-2011